Tom Wolansky, Licensed Realtor

(250) 748-5000

2610 Beverly Street
Duncan BC, V9L 5C7

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Tom Wolansky, the dynamic realtor on Vancouver Island, brings a unique blend of prairie warmth and west coast charm to the real estate scene. Originally hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Alberta, Tom made the bold move to Vancouver Island, where he seamlessly transitioned his passion for real estate.


With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to personalized service, Tom has quickly become a trusted name in the island's real estate market. His journey from the expansive plains of Alberta to the coastal beauty of Vancouver Island reflects not just a change in geography but a deep understanding of diverse property landscapes.


Tom's clients appreciate his friendly demeanor, tireless work ethic, and his ability to make every transaction a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, Tom's extensive knowledge of both Alberta and Vancouver Island real estate markets positions him as a valuable resource for anyone looking to buy or sell in this unique part of Canada.


When he's not busy helping clients find their dream homes, you can find Tom exploring the island's hiking trails, enjoying the ocean breeze, or savoring the local culinary delights. Tom Wolansky is not just a realtor; he's your guide to finding the perfect home in the stunning landscapes of Vancouver Island.